Lay out a big piece of waxed paper, right next to your stove -- this is where you'll put the candy when you're done dipping in chocolate.
Remove the chilled potato-coconut mixture from the fridge. By now, it should've hardened up enough that you'll be able to cut it into squares.
Use the edge of the waxed paper or parchment paper to pull the potato-coconut mixture out of the pan. Transfer to a cutting board and use a sharp knife to slice the candy into 24 small squares.
Use a double-boiler to melt the chocolate. If you haven't got a double boiler, fill a saucepan with water and place a heatproof bowl on top of it. Bring the water in the saucepan to a simmer, and place the chocolate chips in a heatproof bowl. Use a clean spatula to stir the chocolate until it melts (one DROP of water will cause the chocolate to harden and seize; chocolate is difficult, be sure your spatula is DRY.)
Add 1 tablespoon of coconut oil just as the chocolate is about 90% melted. OR, melt the coconut oil in the microwave and pour it into the chocolate. Coconut oil will thin the chocolate out to a dip-able consistency.
Use a fork to pick up each coconut square and gently lower it into the melted chocolate. Transfer the chocolate-coated coconut square to the waxed paper you set out earlier, and leave it to dry.